We are an award winning day spa offering luxury treatments in a historic location in West Street , Dorking.
We opened in October 2019 and have already won the Phorest Customer Excellence award, finalists in the Muddy Stilletos Day Spa of the Year, Silver Medal for Customer Excellence and Bronze for Day Spa of the Year by British Hair and Beauty.
Have a massage or facial and relax after for as long as you like or get your nails or eyes looking their best and get a spray tan or wax for those special occasions.
We offer pregnancy massage and massage for patients with cancer or recovering from it even if you are undergoing treatment.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Contact: Andrew Magnani
Mayflower Spa
61 West Street
Tel: 01306882111
Email: hello@mayflowerspadorking.com
Facebook: mayflowerspadorking
Website: mayflowerspadorking